HISS Mission Statement

Life is for living, so why not live it to it’s fullest? At Heir Island Sailing School we strive to share our passion to allow and help others find their passion. We believe that through fun and play
in a natural and safe setting, lifelong skills can be attained. We encourage inclusivity and want to share and give opportunities to people from all backgrounds, walks of life and of different
Our playground is the sea and nature, and we are blessed with some of arguably the best adventure sailing and cruising grounds in Europe. We want to protect this environment and
spread knowledge and an appreciation of nature. Where people play responsibly in nature and create a connection with it, they inevitably want to care for it and become custodians of their
A sailor must learn to solve problems, work in a team, become self-reliant, be confident in oneself, be curious, and understand their environment. A sailor can also experience huge highs through their pursuits and very tranquil moments. Lessons from sailing can percolate throughout one’s life in many beneficial ways.
Being on a beautiful island off the West Cork coast with no pub’s or shops, surrounded by nature, we have a sanctuary where people can come and immerse themselves in the sea and environment, learn, recharge, reenergise, have adventures, and connect. Heir Island is one of safest places around. Our friendly staff are all qualified and we are part of Irish Sailing the national association for Sailing in Ireland. We are small with a big heart and a family feel, we enjoy ourselves and want to share that enjoyment.
Come and see where sailing take you!
in a natural and safe setting, lifelong skills can be attained. We encourage inclusivity and want to share and give opportunities to people from all backgrounds, walks of life and of different
Our playground is the sea and nature, and we are blessed with some of arguably the best adventure sailing and cruising grounds in Europe. We want to protect this environment and
spread knowledge and an appreciation of nature. Where people play responsibly in nature and create a connection with it, they inevitably want to care for it and become custodians of their
A sailor must learn to solve problems, work in a team, become self-reliant, be confident in oneself, be curious, and understand their environment. A sailor can also experience huge highs through their pursuits and very tranquil moments. Lessons from sailing can percolate throughout one’s life in many beneficial ways.
Being on a beautiful island off the West Cork coast with no pub’s or shops, surrounded by nature, we have a sanctuary where people can come and immerse themselves in the sea and environment, learn, recharge, reenergise, have adventures, and connect. Heir Island is one of safest places around. Our friendly staff are all qualified and we are part of Irish Sailing the national association for Sailing in Ireland. We are small with a big heart and a family feel, we enjoy ourselves and want to share that enjoyment.
Come and see where sailing take you!